Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July weekend!

Part of the Gang
Me and Dehra

Shawn, our hotdoy "chef"

George and Mel

Pat our fearless leader

me and Kenny - hey, where's his costume????

wow - we had a great time at Belloo's. We threw a "Luau" for the 4th and had a party. They shoot the fire works from the top of the parking garage so our parking lot was closed. So we invited people to come early and grilled hotdogs! I made homemade hotdog chili and everyone enjoyed! After the fireworks we did our shows and a few more people came in. And Dehra's Mom came with her this weekend and we all just love her to pieces. My favorite part of the night is when I sang America the Beautiful and everyone at the club joined in and held up lighters.


Christy said...

Aw! Looks like so much fun!
Uncle Kenny doesn't need a costume...dashing good looks need no adornment ;)

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Food sounds ggod too. Laughlin was fun and believe it or not, not too hot. I told them about coming to see you in the western play you were in down there. Old Times. Boy was that place busy this weekend, live music everywhere.