Friday, June 12, 2009

Tatiana's Turtle

Tatiana's Turtle
Pokey's dinner and water

Mommy, look what I found - can I keep it? can I? I'll take care of "Pokey"!! Yes, Tatiana found Pokey all by herself - scared the hell out of me for a minute - I don't want to see no snakes - but I love turtles! I did tell her Pokey would bite her nose if she got too close. Matilda was not interested but a nano second -she wanted to chase the pink ball. He did poke his head out a couple of times and we got him a saucer of water and some lettuce from the garden. And no, we are not taking him camping with us. Although he might like it in the state park! We are all packed with camping equipment AND music equipment and the van is totally loaded! Now, I just have to get through the weekend of hard work - re-cupe on sunday and Monday we go to Pine Mountain Ga. I'm really looking forward and decided not to take any painting stuff - just books and knitting. We will really only have 2 full days - 1st day is getting there and setting up and Thursday is breaking camp and going back to Columbus so I don't want to plan too much - just rest and de-stress! The garden will be watered by the neighbor, the new roof will be put on so let's get out-a-here!


Christy said...

Oh, me! I love that little face looking up at the camera.
And I'm so glad you named your turtle. Pokey could be friends with my Petie that I found at work :)

60ish and Glad said...

That is really cute. You can see it all over her... the big exciting find. How cute. Hope Pokey's not dead when you get back from camping.