Thursday, June 4, 2009

Did I say a "Down Day"?????

This is what I'm painting now....24 x 48
Let's see - I had to unpack from last weekend - did 3 loads of laundry and put them away - unloaded dishwasher - cooked - reloaded dishwasher and cleaned up - cleaned up my art studio - watered the tomoto plants - played with the girls in the back yard - talked to my mother - then painted for 5 hours! And I didn't wake up until noon. Oh well, tomorrow it's supposed to rain so I am really going to take some down time. OK, I'll knit a little - oh, I did finish one project (the knitting part) during Night Line too. I'm doing a huge painting for Shawn and Andrea's wedding in August - Shawn is our partner's son in columbus and they really wanted a painting for their wedding. I could just give them one but I found out Andrea collects and loves elephant's. I found a great photo so I started it tonight - it's going to be 24 x 48 - I built the frame like a gallery wrap and put 1/4" board on top - it will stick out from the wall and I think that will be cool. I got it covered tonight but way too early to post anything. It's a long process and I might do some updates. Also, finally finished 3 cigar boxes - one is a gift. It felt so good to paint in my studio which I have not done much of this year. I hope to spend a lot of time there this summer. My Daddy got a new hearing aid today (he lost his other one or either one of the cats hid it) and I talked to him just for a minute on the phone. He still can't understand you very well because his hearing is pretty much gone. And he went to the Heart Doctor today and they doubled his medicine. He told him the valuves are deteriating very fast. His heart is strong but the valve's are leaking. And his liver is good so I guess all that wine didn't hurt after all! I'm going home on the 22nd and hope to spend a few days. I mean it this time - I'm taking some down time tomorrow!!


Christy said...

Ha! Down time. Whatever :)

60ish and Glad said...

Sounds like your Pappa hasn's suffered from his wine or his bacon. Enjoy him and your mom while you can. I am interested in what Claiborne elephants will look like!