Monday, January 19, 2009

bronchial pneumonia

Yep, that's what Kenny has. George checked him out in Columbus on friday and they started him on the strong anti-biotics. We worked friday night - and he played those drums and then slept most of the day on Saturday which is exactly what he needed to do. LeBron (our bass player) made Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner and that was good medicine for him too. He was actually better by Saturday night and now we are home and it's a holiday so he slept in and I'm going to make him more chicken soup with rice (his request). And as the "recession" kicks in harder we were cancelled this weekend at Beluga so we have a weekend off coming up. It's not what we need but at least Kenny can have a couple of weeks to get over this. And for the first time since before Thanksgiving I am going to PAINT this week. I have missed my studio and with everything going on and the holidays I'm starved for creativity. I need to paint some cigar boxes that I wanted to do for gifts so after today of grocery shopping and cooking and unpacking and laundry it's down in the hole for me!!!! I LOVE January....


Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

Gosh, I am sorry that Kenny is so sick. Hope he gets better real soon. Saw the pic's of "Daddy's" B-day, how sweet. I saw my mother and daddy this weekend and that was nice. My poor little Daddy gets older and older looking, I hate it. Mom has aged a bit but not nearly like Daddy. Can't wait to see the new paintings.

Christy said...

Yuck! So sorry, Uncle Kenny! Get all better, K?
Have fun painting, Nana. You deserve it!