Friday, April 23, 2010

On the Road Again

We're off again tomorrow for Columbus for the weekend. I'm actually looking forward to a good time - hope the crowds come to Belloo's. We are suposed to have bad storms in Atlanta on Saturday night and just hope our house will be OK. I decided to wait until next week to plant my little tomato and pepper and cucumber plants. I would hate for a storm to mess them up. And I think for real the cold weather is gone even thought it has been in the 40's at night this week. I even had to a blankly out one night! I got the grass cut today and now all the leaves are out and it's so pretty in the back yard. I love all the "green" and the Privacy most of all. My crazy neighbor knocked on my door twice today wanting to know if I wanted something - she's cleaning out I guess. Weird..... And I made great pork bar-b-que for sandwiches in the crockpot and they are good! Kenny loved it. Well, I shall go to sleep trying to keep the words of my new songs in my head - And she's buying a stairway to heaven...........
Oh, and Tower of Power - Don't change Horses in the Middle of the Stream - LOVE this one
and we're learning another TOP - "Souled Out"


Christy said...

I knew you were buying a stairway to heaven :) Have a great weekend!

60ish and Glad said...

Yum. Barb-e-que sandwiches. Sounds so good. Bless ya; sissy.