Thursday, March 12, 2009

Started my Blog

Last Night then I hit the wrong button and it went away! I was too tired to start over! I really miss my "hour" and have been running like crazy for 2 days today my body said "I'm Done". I did take it easy but got my laundry done, cooked, played in the yard with the girls, and knitted in my swing - now that was fun. It was 77 degrees and just beautiful - I actually had to dig out a pair of shorts then when the sun went down had to find my long pants and bedroom shoes! It's getting cooler again and going to be rainy and really cool by friday! I'm going to tackle the "packing" tomorrow - 2 weekends of stage clothes and shoes for Columbus, 4 days in Florida Heat, casual wear in Columbus where it's supposed to be cold and rainy! Yikes, there may no be room for the equipment. I haven't taken any pictures lately but I hope to have plenty next week. There are also two little dirty Yorkie's that need a bath before we head out. Today, Matilda was chasing her "Blue Elephant" - we have 6 now - and before I stop her she ran to the bird bath and drank the dirty water! I have to clean it out when we get back - it's her "water bowl" in the yard! I'm going to deliver the paintings to Debi and Maggie and all four Yorkies get a play date next week in Florida. I can't wait to see them all. And Christy, I hope to have a couple more "projects" to show you and hope we find a little time together for a lesson. See, those four days are going to fly by! But the main reason we are going it to spend time with Mom T and celebrate her birthday. It is still very very hard for her and she misses Dad as we all do. It's going to feel even more strange I think going to their house this time because before we were there for the funeral and now it's just that he won't be there. It's really hard. I'm so tired I have no idea what all I'm writing about - I think I'm rambling - that could be old age or just exhausted! So I will stop and try to get some sleep. I CAN'T get Matilda to "observe" the time change - she wakes me up and 9 am and then I have to go back to sleep. I think I'll give her one of my xanax (just kidding) but Tatiana will stay in bed ALL day with you - good girl.....So until later....have a wonderful day....


Christy said...

we will absolutely make time for projects and knitting! Hopefully on a blanket by the lake :) We are really looking forward to seeing you.

60ish and Glad said...

Hey Ramblin' Rose! Can't wait to see you. I know it will be very hard for you to be there. It is still very fresh because you have not visited yet while he is gone. We will be here for you!

Drive safely.

Christy said...

Hey - I gave you a little blog award :) Stop over at this post to pick it up. (just copy and past that link into your browser)