Friday, December 19, 2008

That's it!`

I'm done and ready for Christmas! I finished little stocking stuffers and wrapped all the presents tonight - a little light this year but that's OK - we are going to be together with my Mom and Dad and enjoy the season. We still do not know what is going on with Dad T. - he's still in the hospital and they are still doing tests - how many tests can there be???? We really think it will come down to putting in a pace maker but we're still waiting on the Docs to decide - we just pray he is alright and comfortable right now and Mom is not too stressed out. We're at Beluga this weekend and just hope some folks show up. I'm sure there are a lot of folks traveling this weekend - so glad we aren't. There's no place like home for Christmas! The ONLY things I have not wrapped and put under the tree are the doggies "Santa" because I'm afraid they just might try to open them! Ya think? It's supposed to get cold again on Sunday - YEAH - FIREPLACE - so I'm waiting on that! After Saturday night I'll go into full Christmas mode and clean and cook and enjoy a couple of days before Mother and Daddy get here on Christmas Eve. Hope everyone can slow down and take a moment to just "enjoy".....


Christy said...

Hooray for being done! Enjoy yourself - you deserve the rest.

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

I am also done and happy to have all the wrapping finished. With 6 kids and 3 grandkids, it looks like a mountain of presents We are very much looking forward to Christmas this year and having fun with all the kids.

Wish I could twinkle my nose and be at Buluga's this weekend, then twinkle my nose and be back home. When are they going to get this time travel thing mastered? HA

Love ya, have a happy weekend