Friday, August 15, 2008

Weekend Alread

Wow - tomorrow is Friday and it's off to work at Beluga this weekend - yeah! The weather is being nice - hot but cooler at nights. Of course, I'll sweat anyway - I always do! I did get about 4 hours of painting in yesterday and finished one big one. The problem is I have pictures to post but I can't load them on Kenny's laptop and I still don't have a powercord. I hope I'm getting a cord from our friend in Columbus soon. He's going to order me one. We had play time in the yard today with Matilda but someone in the neighborhood is getting a new roof which sounds like fireworks so guess who would NOT come outside at all - Tatiana. Her meds are working great but not when some bangs! It's bath time for the girls tomorrow and try to sleep in before the gig. Pics to come soon I hope......

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