Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm Back

"Tippy Toes"
Just got my cord today and I've finally got my computer back - yeah whoopie hotdog!! We're in Columbus and the wind is blowing but no rain from "Faye". Bu the cool air is wonderful - almost feels like fall. Thank you Florida and Faye!!! This is the photo I've been dying to post. I told you how we play every day in the back yard and Matilda gets thirsty and goes to the bird bath! Well, here she is!! Will post more later - just excited to have my computer back......


Christy said...

OH my goodness. That is sooooo cute.

60ish and Glad said...

She is definitely a little character. How cute!!! That means you have to keep that birdbath clean!!! Did I tell you we came home from work a few days ago and an entire pot of impatients were dug and dragged into the house. Ebbie was a filthy mess. Buster steered clear. jack took all the guilt. What a mess!