Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Laptop Woes

Damn Damn Damn - everything breaks at once! First my camera won't flash, now I thought my laptop was dead but after a trip to the Geek Squad at Best Buy it's my power cord. The universal one is $139 and Kenny said no way. We did call our friend in Columbus and he can get me one for my laptop for abou $60. Of course, while I was at Best Buy I found this adorable laptop in RED! I want a smaller one but if we can get the cord maybe mine will last a little longer. The camera - I don't know what is wrong. Good thing my birthday is next month! Ha - but what I was PLANNING on getting for my birthday was a blackberry phone - why oh why do I love gadgets???? I can't check my email at my mother's so I need the blackberry for that, I have to have a camera for my artwork and I can't live without a laptop. What the hell did we do 10 years ago? I'm using KT''s laptop right now - hope I don't screw this one up! It's smaller than mine and I love it. Maybe he will sway with me - fat chance! On a good note - last night was sooooo wonderful. Cool and a steady gentle rain. I sat in the swing in the secret garden and just drank in the cool air. If I closed my eyes I could have been on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I watched the olympics until very late but I'm enjoying them. I'm going to have a painting day somehow - don't know what I'll work on but I have tons to do. Just wish I could sell something right now - no one is buying a lot of "art" these days but I'll just keep on painting. So I'll have to give Kenny his laptop back now and wait for my power cord. Oh well, things could be worse....

Best of My Day: Sitting in the swing listening to the gentle rain and actually feeling "cool"....ahhhhhhhh....


60ish and Glad said...

I have had battery troubles - but at least I hae a power cord.

Christy said...

Wish I had a cool night....
Tech problems suck. So sorry :(