Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rain Rain Don't Go Away

We have enjoyed an abundance of rain this week and we really need it. Saturday was fun in Columbus - the wind was blowing and raining. Dehra and I went out and had to take our shoes off to wade thru the water to go to the shoe store to buy more shoes!! Now, that was fun and felt like being kids and kicking thru the water. Back in Atlanta we've had a lot too and looks like more on the way. Even though it's still hot I made a pot of soup and cornbread today - yum...at least it "looked" cold outside. I'm trying to paint this week because I think I've decided to do an Art Show in Columbus on October 30th. I have plenty of paintings and now working on cigar boxes because I don't think a lot of people will spend the big bucks for an oil painting but maybe a cigar box. They sell really well there and make nice gifts too. I'm getting that "frustration" thing about not being in class. I lose my confidence and feel like I can't finish anything - that's a real shitty feeling too. I just need to slow down and think about what I'm doing. I like to go crazy and just paint but sometimes that just does not work. There are some classes in October so I can't wait for that. I plan to go home next week to see the folks and pick up my paintings in SC for the show. The biggest problem is finding "something" to paint for me. I have a lot of idea's but need the reference material. Because I like to paint original paintings I need to actually see and photograph what I want to paint. Of course, that means traveling and hunting! I'll just keep trying and trying.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I do hate creative frustration. Hope your fog lifts soon.
Meanwhile, I think it's fabulous to pretend it's cold outside. We do it all the time when it rains :)