Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Day of Painting

How can I not throw her toy for this face???? It's Matilda wanting to play!

"Doggie Nap" is very wet and I could not work on it any more - This is so hard because it's a 6x 6 - yes, 6 inches square - That is really small for me!

This is no where near finished but I took this photo of "Joe's Hands" at Belloo's this weekend
He's a friend and good customer and I love the Cigar and Brandy!

Last minute touch ups and I signed this one....
I haven't painted this much in a long time and it feels so good. I don't know how much I'm really accomplishing but I feel like I'm learning something at least. I've dropped back to small paintings and trying to "see" the lights and shadows. Some of them turn out well and some not so but I'm not trying to create masterpieces to sell - just to learn and if I can sell a few that's great. We haven't started our art group back yet and I'm so realy to do that. Hopefully, next month. I've also stayed home more this week and that feels good too. Sometimes, there is just too much going on and I need a break from that. Kenny is working very hard and I'm not seeing much of him but it has to be done. So, a good day and there is suposed to be rain tomorrow which is a good thing. I may try and paint some more but my shoulder sure is sore tonight so we'll see. Tatiana is so sweet - when I paint she wants in the Baby Bed to sleep - now Matilda on the other hand wants me to throw her toy - she brings it to me and I have to stop and throw it - kinda breaks the concentration a little! And she kept wanting to go outside and it was cold! But how can you resist that face???? I also made my "Myrtle Beach" Italian soup tonight - I think it's my all time favorite and with cornbread - Yum....

Best of My Day: Watching Matilda chase her toy in the back yard.....

1 comment:

60ish and Glad said...

Who can resist that face indeed!