Monday, January 28, 2008

A very nice weekend

Kenny T on Drums!!

Pat Juneau on Guitar

Our friend Pat Juneau was in town to work with us this weekend in Columbus. It's so funny that after all these years it still feels like yesterday playing with him. His talent is amazing and I am always amazed at him. The people loved it too in Columbus so it was very nice. I went down on Thursday and Pat and I went to the Springer Opera House to see "To Kill a Mockingbird". It was a local performance with 3 professional actors in for the production. Not only is it a moving play but all the actors were great. I miss the theatre so much and still wish this is what I could do. I did get a surprise on Friday night that the 3 pro actors showed up at Belloo's and we had a great time! Then on Sunday we had our employee "Holiday Party" - everyone brought a dish and we got hams - there was so much food and so good. We had to leave to get Pat back to the airport but fun was had by all. I'm so very tired though and going to take a xanax and read a book and try to sleep about 10 hours! I want to get some rest because I need to paint this week and you just can't do that when you are so tired. Housekeeping comes tomorrow, I got my laundry done today so if I get some sleep I'll be ready to paint, paint, paint!

Best of My Day - Sleep!!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Whew! Girl....I can't keep up with you! Enjoy your sleep :)