Monday, August 13, 2007

August - uck!!!!

OK - The ONLY good thing about August is Kenny's birthday and knowing that next comes September! This hot weather is awful and I'm very tired of it. I'm also in my fourth week of physical therapy and Lucila keeps telling me do NOT move you arm. It's hard so then all you want to do lie in bed and look at the computer or read. Everytime I think of something I need to do I realize I'm not suposed to do it. I tried to paint last week and it hurt so I'm tryng to obey the Doc! I need my painting arm. So tomorrow I will cook a dinner in the crockpot and probably bathe the babies anyway because they need it! And I really need my "roots" done - I bought my color today but don't know if I can get it on - Oh, Kenny - have you ever dyed hair!!!!! I'm not sure I even want to go there. He is still emptying the dishwasher for me and I load it so we do have a "system" which is nice. We are both so zapped from all the heat in the club that we're just going to bed early. Tomorrow I've got to pack and get ready go to Columbus to perform this weekend and it's even hotter there! So, come on September, December, January - I need SNOW and fireplaces and fur hats and boots and my favorite - sweat suits!!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Ha! I'm trying to imagine Uncle Kenny dying your hair! It's just killing me! I got Chris to do it before once or twice. It was such a disaster. I think I remember just yanking the bottle straight out of his hands and finishing the job - without any gloves on or anything!