Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Try and raise a wild cottontail bunny. I did the research and all the sites say don't do it. Matilda found Baby Bunny in the side yard and after searching and searching we can not find the nest. We were going to put it back in the yard last night but at the last minute was afraid Mr. Hooty Owl would get it. Soooooo, Bunny drank a little milk from an eye dropper and cuddled in my neck. I fixed Matilda's baby dog carrier with a towel and shredded newspaper and put Bunny in that. I really did not think it would alive this morning but sure enough he was and was hungry! Then wanted to crawl under my chin and go to sleep. Oh shit, here we go. I could not find goat's milk so Bunny is still getting cow milk which they say is bad. Now, realize that Kenny has told me the story of how they raised a baby bunny and it would even beg from the table and use paper to pee and poop - sooooooo maybe just maybe we could....I'm not holding out a lot of hope and I have NOT named him except Baby Bunny. I just can not leave him in the yard not knowing if Mama will come back if there is not a nest. I would love to get him strong and release him back to my backyard so we will see. In the meantime - I have a whole new perspective on the word "Cuddle Bunny"!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh my. Squee! He is so precious! I think you should name him Peter. And, maybe there is a wildlife rescue organization close to you that would have some good options or advice?