Monday, March 15, 2010


We got home really late tonight from Columbus but we have a good reason. I sold my painting "The Tango" and we delivered it to their beautiful home on 300 acre's. They had bought one my earlier paintings so the two will hang together. This is a very real blessing right now because we are taking a weekend off to go to Florida. It's funny - the week Daddy had his heart attack I sold a painting at the club and I had to take that weekend off and now once again having to not work and sold another one. Someone is looking out for us! We had a good weekend too at Belloo's and now it's time to get busy and pack for Fl. I've got so much to do this week and we'll work at Beluga next weekend then drive the equipment on Sunday to Columbus because we come back there to work. We're driving down on Monday the day of Mom's surgery. Now, that I have lost that hour of sleep and I'm extremely tired I hope I can get some rest tonight - thanks xanax!!! Now work your magic and put me to sleep.....


Christy said...

Congratulations on the timely sale! We *can't wait* to see you guys :)

60ish and Glad said...

Wow! I knew that one would sell. It ws such a beautiful one. Can't wait to see you. Nolan is eating carrots - just in time to zerbert them on Nana.