Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rainy Day

We've had about 3 inches of rain here in Cumming today -I mean it rained steady ALL day and I loved it! Got a little bit done but not much - and I needed that too. I've been knitting some today and actually did a hat on circular needles!!! First time I've been able to get the "make sure they are not twisted thing right)! Oh, and I made a buttonhole even if it was off center of the piece I made!!! So I say that's 2 good accomplishments on a rainy day. And the girls peed and pooped on the "rocks" because they didn't want to go out in the rain and ya can't fuss at them for that! At least they did go outside. I did also put up a few really winter clothes today and pulled a few summer clothes to take to Fl. We can still have more cool days so I'm waiting until we get back to do the dreaded "change over". And I keep putting off spring cleaning too. It's really not spring yet - right??? I swear the first thing I would do if I won the lottery (which we don't even play!) is hire a full time maid! My mother is such a house cleaning freak and I absolutely hate it. I love the clean house and I always "straighten up" but I hate the mopping and dusting and stuff. I did make a great new Wild Rice Chicken Salad last night that we have really enjoyed today. If anyone wants the recipe just let me know and I'll send it. Well, tomorrow is laundry and packing for Columbus on friday and it's suposed to rain more too - too bad it didn't rain this hard last week - we'd be up to our neck in snow!!!


Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

Sounds like we have been having about the same weather. It has finally cleared herea a little and think it is supossed to stay that way. Hey email me the receipe for the wild rice chicken salad. Maybe that willtaste food to me. Mother is coming down next week. Hope all is well for you both love ya

Christy said...

What a great day - all that knitting and rain...hey! That sounds exactly like *my* day today :)