Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Way Way Far Behind!

As I lie here with a Sinus Infection I realize I haven't posted in so long - you get behind and it's hard to remember what you did!!! I do know I spent last week in SC with my Mom - Kenny took me up on Valentine's so we could all be together. He came back to GA and I stayed to help with Daddy's clothes. This is one of the hardest tasks to deal with. Mother had a story for every suit and shirt - how many times did her hands laundry and iron these pieces for him..there were lots of tears and finding lots of hankerchiefs in his pockets. Daddy always carried a hankie. I remember that is the first thing I learned to iron - then went on to ironing his boxer shorts. Yes, his boxers were always ironed. Mother tripped and fell in the floor and really hurt her shoulder - I'm just hoping it didn't tear the rotator cuff - she's still very sore but getting a little better by now. We were so tired and it was very cold and windy and I guess that's when my sinus's starting messing up. On wednesday I drove her car back here and she spent the night - we were both so exhausted and I was getting sick. She left on Thursday and I had to do my laundry and pack for Columbus and cook that night. By friday I was sick but pushed through the shows and Pat got me some meds on Saturday. I actually felt better Saturday night and we had a great show (I think it was the steroids) but by Sunday I was tired again. I had a Doctor's appt on Monday for my regular checkup and yep - sinus infection. I had planned to go to Art Monday night but at the doctor's office I realized I just could not do it so I came home and went to bed. I tried again to get up today and do some laundry but gave up about 3 pm and went back to bed. I'm so exhausted and know that I have to get through this weekend at Beluga too. At least I don't have to pack those damn bags this week. I'm so tired of living out of a suitcase. The only way I want to pack anymore it to be going somewhere to do nothing! And just me and Kenny and the girls!!! I have knitted a little in the last few days so that was fun but I'm so far behind on painting I don't want to think about it. I'll just post some random pictures that I've missed putting up on the blog. Hope everyone else is fine and well and I'll bounce back soon.....


Christy said...

Bleah. Sorry you feel crappy :( Enough with the pushing through - get some rest!

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

Hope you are feeling better, I have had about the same week (see blog). At least I didn't have to try to get enough energy to do a show, God I cannot imagine, I just could not have done it. I couldn't even have got my make up on moreless got dressed not to even think of the show. You are a trooper

Anonymous said...

Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks!

60ish and Glad said...

I remember learning to iron hankies too. I must have been 8.