Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just had to Post this Picture

Everyone knows I'm trying my best to knit - some things turn out OK some things not. But THIS is a treasure. I didn't knit it - it's a wool sweater from a Thrift Store - 100% sheep's wool from Peru. I had been looking for a wool sweater to play with "felting" and when I found this I almost squealed. It is now my 'knitting supplies bag". All I did was cut the sleeves off, sew up the sides and make an icord for the handle, then felt the whole think in the washer. I decided to leave the neck line because stuff won't fall out of it. But having the sheep on it - especially the little black one - priceless.....Can't wait for Christy to see this and giggle!!!!!


Christy said...

Oh yes! I giggled :) What a great find! Wool sweaters are just not something that you can find in Florida thrift stores, so I've never been able to try my hand at that kind of project. But I agree - it could not be more perfect as your knitting bag!

60ish and Glad said...

Wow. I would have wanted to WEAR it. You are such a great treasure hunter. And I love the black sheep amongst the white. Funny though, when I first scrolled down and saw the sweater, I exlaimed, "Oh my gosh! SHe is really getting good!!" Ha!

I found the perfect little place to take you (and Kenny) for a nice evening out. Hope we can have at least ONE