Monday, February 8, 2010

"The Last Cabaret"

I'm not saying it's just yet - but getting closer all the time! I still love the audience, the applause, the singing - that feeling - the chills - the lights! But I'm also getting tired and know that I can't do this for too many more years (year)!! I've never painted myselft on stage and Shane liked this photo that was taken a couple of weeks ago at Belloo's. I have no idea what I was singing but would like to think it might have been "Over the Rainbow"! In reality I was probably singing something by Prince! But I finished it and not sure I want to sell it just yet. We'll see. I am going to hang it in the club for now. Sure wish my Daddy could see this one.....


Christy said...

Love it - love the photo, love the painting :)

60ish and Glad said...

KNowing your Daddy, he probably would have BOUGHT that one!!!