Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I know it's just a TV commerical but if I see another one about Father's Day I think Ill scream. I have had tears in my eyes for 2 days and a couple of down right floods. It's the year of "First" with Daddy and I'm sure that has something to do with it. Plua, I'm just so tired and was very worried about Kenny last week. He's getting better which is wonderful but he's lost a lot of weight too. The only pants he can fit in are my Daddy's pants! I wish Daddy could see my Garden, see my new paintings, or get up and hug me when we walk thru the door. I wish I could hear him tell the same World War II stories about the Time in "A Bar in Austria" or just call me Bar Maid and ask for a glass of wine. I did not go to sleep until 7am this morning so it was just a bad night. I'm going to sleep tonight for sure - already taken one of my xanax and may take another one to do the trick. We had to go to Columbus on thursday so tomorrow is laundry and back to the grocery to fix something that KT can eat. I did bath and groom the girls today so they smell so sweet now. I think a good sweet cuddle from my babies if what I need so I'm going to do that right now. After all, tomorrow is another day!


Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

I'm sorry you miss your Daddy. I miss mine too. This is also my first FAther's Day without him. I am lucky and do have cliff's Dad and he is so much like my Dad that it does help. Glad Kenny's feeling better, everyone out here has the flu also. It seems to be bad this year

60ish and Glad said...

I know your pain and I have been praying for you all week. It's tough. I hope you find a way to maye a Father Memorial with your mother and Kenny...something special...a day to do what our Daddy would have truly enjoyed or something like that. Talk to you soon.