Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The reason I love hurricanes!

Ah, the rainy day, the leaves falling, gusting wind and chilly temps! My favorite kind of day. See, I KNOW I could live in London or Seatle. Of course, the bad part today was I had to go do errands and get groceries! And I had a horrible "sleep night" - heartburn, bad dreams that almost led to a panic attack, knee aching - actually like a knife stabbing pain. The last time I got up and drank a glass of milk, chewed two Tums and finally went back to sleep was around 9am. THEN the next time I woke up it was 2:30 pm. That kinda screwed the day but I did manage to get all my stuff done, cook a great pot of homemade soup, clean up the kitchen and living room, and do some knitting. Of course, it's 2:30 am again. Oh well, I'm just going with the flow because this really IS my schedule. I just normally like to get up around noon so I'm a couple of hours off right now. We should have a little more rain tomorrow then clearing up for a beautiful week. I still love the rain and hope I'll get it one day when I can light the fireplace, cuddle up in a blanket with the puppies and knit! Come on January!


Christy said...

I love this weather too :)

60ish and Glad said...

A couple of hours off....welcome to my life!

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

Glad you are enjoying the rain. We just got home yesterday from Texas. Had a chemo treatment today but feel OK. Check the blog for pictures of the trip. I am posting "hair" pictures tomorrow should be fun. Got the hat before we left and sleep in it every night. It's a God send, the knit lets it breathe so it's not too hot. Thank you and lot's of love