Monday, May 19, 2008

Doctor Release

Once again Dr. Ansari has released me - yeah! He said my knee looked good and even though it was really sore after planting the garden I think it's great. He also said if I had any more trouble he would give me the shots. OK, 3 operations in 14 months is plenty thank you! And the best part is I'm still performing in my 4 inch heels - ain't gonna give those up! Housekeeping also came today so the house is finally clean after all the painting and stuff. They are still suposed to come back and put the attic fan in which will mean a lot more dust but it will be worth it. I hope to get a little painting done this week as I have not gotten much done and won't get anything done the next two weeks. I'm having artist withdrawal and need to paint really bad. And it's suposed to rain tomorrow so that sounds like a perfect studio day........

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yay! Back in the saddle again!